Luxury Bags for Less by

Today, I have a handbag review for you. You might recall I’ve done several handbag reviews for Teddy Blake in the past. I love all their handbags but the new Ava has to be my most favorite bag that I own so far from Teddy Blake. The quality was exceptional. Teddy Blake offers a wide variety of leather types but their pebbled leather is my favorite. I prefer pebbled leather for all my bags as it's extremely durable and requires less maintenance. The size is perfect for everyday use.
Adjustable shoulder strap: Being on 5’2”, the adjustable strap was one of my favorite features. It's allowing me to find my perfect setting. I love how it can go from a shoulder bag to a crossbody bag within seconds.

Magnetic closure: The front flap has a magnetic closure allowing you to open and close the bag with greater ease. The magnetic closure is strong enough that the bag can be worn without having to close it all the way. I kind of love the way it looks as well.
Back pocket for easy access: The back of the bag has a zippered pocket that is super convenient for accessing items you need on the go. It's big enough for your keys, parking tickets, money and more. Not to mention, the zipper is very well made and glides smoothly.
Fully lined in suede: The suede lining inside adds an ultraluxe feel. This bag is the perfect size for everyday use. It feels very luxurious without a luxury price tag
I’ve had this bag for a few weeks now and I am still so in love with it. Some of my co-workers are checking out this bag as well. It is truly perfect for work and play. Not to mention, this shade of beige goes with virtually everything. If beige isn't your thing, this bag is available in 8 color options here.

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