Handbag love by KathrineEldridge.com

Everyone knows I adore a good handbag so when I was contacted to share some Teddy Blake handbag love, I did not hesitate. Read on to see why I was so impressed with their bags and why you need to add one to your collection.

This bag had me completely overwhelmed me in a good way. The leather is incredible and the classic styling is second to none. I chose to go with this navy color which was the best decision I have made recently. 🙂 Changing up from the typical black handbag is great way to spice up any look in my opinion.

Details that make this the ultimate handbag are the organized suede interior, the expandable sides, gold hardware, and the addition of a detachable shoulder strap that is also adjustable.

The suede on the inside is so luxurious and I couldn’t get over how much stuff I could fit in this bag. In addition, there are two full-length zipper side pockets on either side of the central large compartment. What really wowed me is that you can expand the sides for even more space.


Clients ask me all the time about what type of bag to get. Ones made with quality and have classic styles are best. All of Teddy Blake’s handbags exemplify these traits. See below how they describe their brand.

Our handbags are hand made by some of the most experienced and exceptional Italian artisans since 1958. True Italian products are characterized by high-quality construction, attention to detail, imaginative design, shape, and durability.

As far as price, this bag is worth every penny. I couldn’t get over that it was under $500. Not bad for a bag that has quality craftsmanship in Italian leather. 
To sum up, if you purchase a bag with Teddy Blake, it will be in your closet for years to come. 



    The bag that the model is holding, l get that in red it was soo beautiful,keep up the good work 👏

  • Lori Dupuy

    Will the Bella Palmelatto 15in be available in pink?

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